Venue & Prog

The workshop will be held on

February 27, 2017

in conjunction with REFSQ 2017 in Essen, Germany at the Atlantic Congress Hotel.

The detailed program can be found below:

Time Presenter Title
14:00-14:10 WS Organizers Welcome and Introduction
14:10-15:00 Frank Houdek
(Daimler AG, Germany)
Keynote Presentation:
Automotive Future and its impact on Requirements Engineering
15:00-15:30 Alessia Knauss
(Chalmers University, Sweden)
Capturing Ambiguity in Artifacts to Support Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Alexandr Vasenev
(University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Towards Security Requirements: Iconicity as a Feature of an Informal Modeling Language
16:30-17:00 Bastian Tenbergen
(State University of New York at Oswego, USA)
A Case Study into the Development Process of Cyber Physical Systems
17:00-17:30 WS Organizers Room for Extra Discussions & Workshop Closing
18:00-???? Workshop Dinner

Workshop Dinner

Join us for the Workshop Dinner! The REFSQ Local Organization team and all REFSQ co-located events have  joined forces and are meeting for a casual dinner in a relaxed atmosphere in at the Pelayo Restaurant near the conference venue.

Dinner is at 6pm. Please note that due to limited budget, neither RESACS nor REFSQ can cover the cost of your meal.